Prelude to Team Building

12:39 AM

I am definitely a late bloomer in all sorts and freakin angles. Oh wait! That should have been late boomer because BOOM! Lazying over summer took its toll and I lost all of my best angles. Fortunately, I didn't lose anything else than that, especially my vir...tual presence and my grasp on leadership trainings or the things I brought with me for this year's UIC-SSG Team Building activity.

It's been a long time since my last team building so I was kinda lost at the start of the program. Until came such time that we got to meet our fellow legislators, the execs and the creative team and finally my past experiences haunted me the harsh reality that I will have to go through some back-breaking obstacles, again!

Well, it's not like I went there for leisure but for a moment I forgot the things that makes a team building - a team building! Just so you know, a team building can't be without me! Char lang. It can't be without some serious challenge. Well, silly looking obstacles for that matter but not as easy as they look. And dude! I was not prepared this time. Perhaps, time and my other interests got into the way that I got used to less strenuous activities which gave me a jolt of shock upon realizing that this time I'm going to lead a team.

Whaaaat? So there I was in a position I have not yet mastered because I used to be in the support side of things. But what do you know? During some of the activities, all the things I've learned or once forgotten came back to me while adrenaline and the pressure of competition called all of the saints and pumped up all of my cells, both the living and the dead. But I couldn't have done it without my powerful team of sugar, spice and everything nice! You know that, don't you?

Obviously the highlight of the Team building was getting to know the people that I will be with in SSG for the upcoming semester but it's hard to say that the Amazing race or the Intimate candlelit Sharing by the Beach cannot be counted as highlights. So yeah, this is the best of my year so far with more than one highlight in a single event!

Anyway, this post is just a brief introduction of the amazing things I've experienced from our activity. Don't worry I'm preparing a narrative of our 2-Day team building and stay at Mahan Beach Resort, Island Garden City of Samal. There will be more details and photos next time I promise! ^_^

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  1. huwaw :))))))) hart hart <3 <3 markables! hihi.

    1. The team building was awesome! Thank you Juhbear. <3

  2. Excited for more blog post mark about the team building! :)) Thank youuuu *ugh*

